7:59 AM
This year's #FeelsFest was not the usual #romanceclass event we've been accustomed to. For starters, there's an entrance fee of 500 php and given this price, one might think that this will turn people away. This was not the case though, as #FeelsFest2017 was such a huge success.
If there's anyone who will understand my going gaga over books, it would be my best friend, LC. We're the kind of friends who can say "Let's not talk, I need to finish this book" when we're together. I've been telling her about #romanceclass, I've let her borrow some of my books, and I've gushed about live-readings many, many times. She got a taste of it when Migs and Salve did a reading of Keep The Faith during Bookworms Unite 3. I also sent her Tara's How to Survive Your First #RomanceClass Event. That was good and all, except even those who've been to live-readings before were not ready for what transpired that Saturday afternoon. This was us, before being shookt:
While there are some different things, we also had familiar ones. Like these familiar faces of #TeamManam
Or Mina opening the program -
Here's me and Layla with her new book, We Might As Well Be Galaxies:
Here's Layla getting all fragile:
Layla taking a photo with Migs-
There were also the usual readings, like what Fred and Rachel did for Chasing Waves by Bianca Mori.
If I have one regret from last Saturday, it would be not having a video of the live-reading for Chasing Waves. Loved that book to bits that I got so excited to listen to the reading and forgot to press record. Bought the hard copy, because I loved it that much. Here's me with Bianca Mori.
Ben and Bianca, with attitude-
Chachic also had a cover reveal for her future book, "Bakit Masarap Humilata" hahahaha (artwork by the lovely Janus. Check her works at @jveruditeartist)
Sam and Gio reading Once Upon A Bully by Georgette Gonzales-
Fred and Vanya reading My Imaginary Ex by Mina Esguerra-
Fred and Sam reading The Queen's Game by Carla K. de Guzman-
Carla, shookt because Sam and Fred did an awesome job
And then the highlights - Rachel and Gio performing Fairy Tale Fail. Yes, they memorized the lines.
Hahaha. Look at Gio -
Now look at Rachel's eyes -
So cute, these two -
And then, there was The Kiss -

Fred and Vanya also sang. My heart just melted with their lovely voices -
Class picture. Wonderful authors and actors-
And then there was that surprise for Mina <3
There are more pictures, videos (here's my FeelsFest2017 video playlist), and what-nots if you look at the #FeelsFest2017 hashtag. I swear, you can spend hours and hours reading people's tweets raving about last Saturday. It was one of the most sulit 500 pesos I've spent. If you've missed this event, I hope to see you on the next one! From what I've heard, there will be a Christmas Party? :)
P.S. I remember seeing someone's post on Facebook that he admires #romanceclass. And for ~reasons! While it is amazing how this community keeps on giving, it is also not surprising. If there are people who know what love is, they would be authors and readers of romance, right? :)