
Review: Just for the Summer by Justine Tajonera

10:02 PM

The New #RomanceClass Books Release Party happened online last October 15, 2016. While I was running some errands that afternoon, I was in and out of the Facebook page, trying to participate in the discussions by the authors. I was lucky enough to win in one of Jay E. Tria's contests and I was able to choose two e-books from the new releases. One of the books I've chosen was Just For The Summer by Justine Tajonera.


Cassie already knows that Joey Garcia makes no promises. He was the cautionary tale told in college. But when he says, “Come with me to Dumaguete for the summer,” on a whim, she says yes. It’s the summer Cassie is turning twenty-three, and she thinks she’s old enough to make mistakes and young enough to recover. Besides, Cassie has always worked hard to get what she wants. For once, it looks like this is going to be easy. 

So when she shows up prepared for a wild getaway little does she realize that they’re actually heading for his hometown . . . for a wedding. Her summer fling is turning out to be all kinds of awkward, from sleeping arrangements to family introductions. But heck, if Joey can be cucumber cool about it then so can she.

How do I love this? Let me count the ways:

  1. I am sure I'm not alone when I say I love stories where the guy falls in love first. It was so obvious and I wanted to smack Cassie in the head for being so oblivious.
  2. Cassie was a go-getter, a control-freak if I may say so. Hello, "she neeeded dates, details and logistics" to plan a vacation. A girl after my own heart. But she learned to be spontaneous enough to go on a summer adventure with a guy she barely knew, and for that, I admire her. 
  3. There was something about the character of Joey that when he asked Cassie "on a date" while she already was in a relationship with Mark, it did not annoy me. I don't know what it was, but instead of me being judgey on him, I found his efforts cute. 
  4. There weren't a lot of kilig scenes (and I wish there were more!), but when they happened, they were perfect. I especially liked the scene where Joey told Cassie, "I remember a lot of things when it comes to you." I wouldn't just be weak-kneed when someone tells me that, I'd surely have heart-eyes instantly. 
  5. I love how the author showcased some spots in Dumaguete. It made me want to see those places and I'm sure others who will read this will feel the same way.
  6. This little tidbit, which I will keep in mind for future use: “When you think you’ve found the right guy,” she had said, “try replacing the word love in 1 Corinthians 13: 4–7 with the guy’s name. If he measures up to each of those descriptions, then he really is the right guy for you.”
I have enjoyed reading this and would recommend it to anyone who likes a quick and fun read. 

You may purchase Just For The Summer by Justine Tajonera through this link:

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