Review: Waiting In the Wings by Tara Frejas
3:40 PM
Okay, first let me get this off my chest: Happy birthday, Tara Frejas! labyu!

At twenty-three, theatre actress Erin Javier has yet to fall in love or kiss a boy offstage, away from the klieg lights. She is the perfect leading lady—whose heart men would fight for, win, and protect—unfortunately, only until the curtains fall and the lights go down. In real life, Erin is a certified NBSB whose heart has been hoping for a song to dance to.
But when two (two!) men enter from stage left and right, Erin is confused. Who deserves to take center stage in her heart—Mr. Theatre Royalty whose attention and displays of affection make her pulse race, or a good friend whose steady support has helped steer her to success and fulfill her dream?
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Erin and Ramon are college buddies who had lost contact when they tried different paths after graduation. Erin is now known for being a lead actress in local theatre productions while Ramon who worked abroad decides to come back and reconnect with our main character. He's about to ask Erin out, but confident, good-looking and Mr. Theatre Royalty Pio enters the picture. The NBSB, almost-frustrated-in-her-lovelife Erin is now given two amazing men to choose from.
Waiting in the Wings takes us backstage, and gives us a glimpse on theater life. Scenes and dialogues are realistic, you just know that Tara Frejas knows what she's doing with this story.
I love that while this is mainly about Erin choosing between Pio and Ramon, it also touches on getting over our insecurities and having the courage to follow our dreams.
When you're presented with two choices for a love interest, you automatically pick a side, right? But this was not my case for Waiting in the Wings. Even when I finished reading, I still wasn't able to pick a team.
Pio is the courageous one. He did things throughout the story that made me love him more and more. He liked Erin, and he was upfront about it. I liked my book boyfriends like that - not exactly an alpha type, but was sure of himself. The thing though is, he's popular and he's being set-up as a love team to another actress. His schedule is packed and being with Erin has rules such as no posting on social media.
Tara made flawed, but amazing characters in Pio and Ramon. Their imperfections made them realistic and attainable, that's why I can't just pick. I love them both.
Erin is relatable and I admire her go-getter attitude. She wanted to remedy her situation - her romances remained for stage purposes - and so she bows off on an audition to date. (You go, girl!) She commits a huge mistake later on, so she grumbles and makes a grand gesture (one that is realistic and wouldn't make you roll your eyes) for an apology. She may be a bit clueless and dense, but was really kind, sweet, and not whiny so I love her too!
This is such a feel-good story. I liked how this is a chaste romance. It focused on emotions and had a good character development for both main character and love interest. I also found it awesome that Tara mentioned OPM songs. She even penned original ones just for this book. This book is so Pinoy, I love it!
I loved this book to bits and I hope there is a sequel! I'd sure be waiting in the wings for Pio's story.
Ramon is introspective and really thoughtful. He weighed his feelings, thoughts, and motives, and always chose Erin's happiness instead of acting in his best interest. He's borderline "Nice Guy" and he's battling with his insecurities.
Erin is relatable and I admire her go-getter attitude. She wanted to remedy her situation - her romances remained for stage purposes - and so she bows off on an audition to date. (You go, girl!) She commits a huge mistake later on, so she grumbles and makes a grand gesture (one that is realistic and wouldn't make you roll your eyes) for an apology. She may be a bit clueless and dense, but was really kind, sweet, and not whiny so I love her too!
This is such a feel-good story. I liked how this is a chaste romance. It focused on emotions and had a good character development for both main character and love interest. I also found it awesome that Tara mentioned OPM songs. She even penned original ones just for this book. This book is so Pinoy, I love it!
I loved this book to bits and I hope there is a sequel! I'd sure be waiting in the wings for Pio's story.