Happy birthday, Clarissa! :)

5:26 PM

You and me,
We're a pair that seemed unlikely.
But parallelisms and our proclivity to speak geeky,
Are the reasons why we've become chummy.

You listen to my stories and feelings,
Even when sometimes, they're lame.
You always encourage me to spread my wings,
I wish I could convince you to do the same.

I pray that this year,
You'll be more fearless.
That you won't weigh things too much,
And you'll make even bolder choices.

You've done a lot, I know -
You are in a good place.
But there's still so much more out there,
I dare you to make your heart race.

I'll hold your hand,
While we become much braver,
Let's spend more fun experiences,
And milestones together.

To Clarissa, my dear friend,
I wish you love and light.

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