Review: Songs To Get Over You by Jay E. Tria
5:31 PM
#Floates FTW! Video by Liana Bautista for Will Read for Feels
That, my friends, was what convinced me to read the Playlist series. Did you hear the collective awwww from the audience?

It's harder to get over someone who was never really yours.
They say rock stars get all the girls. But Miki knows that's not always true. He, for one, though the guitarist of popular indie band Trainman, just can't seem to get the girl. It's kind of his fault, really. No one told him to fall in love with Jill. No one told him to stand still and watch as she moved on from a terrible breakup into the arms of another guy—a Japanese celebrity with the face of an angel and the body of a god.
So when someone else comes along, someone who finds him cute, smart, and funny (sometimes in the haha sort of way), will Miki finally move on? Or will he continue to pine for Jill?
To be honest, I didn't really like Miki, the main character, that much. But I ended up feeling more for this book more than Songs of Our Breakup. How do I love this? Let me count the ways:
- Everything else that I liked in SOB are still present here. The lyrics, Trainman, the humor and banter, setting, feels and yes, the quotable quotes. More on the quotes later.
- Ana. I usually read romance books for the male characters, but that was not the case for STGOY. I already met Ana when she made a cameo in SOB but here, she was more in the spotlight and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED HER! Ana is the kind of girl I would like to be BFFs with in real life. She's funny and smart, but I liked her for more reasons than that. She liked Miki and so she was determined to get him. Not in the desperada or doormat kind of way though. At first, I was like, "Giiiirl! What are you thinking???" when she was still willing to go out with Miki even when their first three dates were discouraging. She was aware that he was hung up on Jill. But the girl was persistent and committed that I soon found myself in admiring her strong heart. She was awesome and I was glad Miki realized that before I insisted on putting my hands inside the book and strangling him. You know how other authors rewrite their novels to show other character's perspective of the story? I sincerely hope Ana gets that kind of book.
- My main takeaway in this story is that Love Is A Choice. If life is perfect, we would all be showered with kilig moments every day. We wouldn't need to live vicariously through book characters. (Romance novels get high sales for a reason. Haha!) But life is not perfect. Loving someone is more than all the swoon-worthy moments. Most times, we need to work on/for it.
- I like how Miki and Ana's relationship progressed. Aside from that scene where "celebrities" helped Ana on a school work, the story was realistic enough you'd think your friend is just telling you about her love story. Their story was not intense, but it was not boring at all.
- East Genesis Project was mentioned! I recently read and reviewed Scandalized and I was like, oh I know those guys!
- Quotable quotes. Jay E. Tria left me in awe once again with her poetic writing.
“You’re the girl who sees your life two steps ahead. And when you see a vision like that you don’t look longingly at it. You act on it. You claim it. You make sure you get it. That’s why you’re bothering with all of this shit. Because you already see a better version of yourself and you’re working towards it. Even when people around you don’t think it’s worth the pain.”
"When you commit, you make a decision...You decide to say yes to one person, all the time."
"...if you want something bad enough, you should fight for it. Fight for it so you would deserve it, and it would be given to you."“You do it well too, the way you look at your future...You don’t let its brightness blind you. You make sure to keep your eyes on what you have now.”
“Patience was about knowing when it was time to translate daydreams into reality.”
“When you say something out loud, it loses its power over you. It’s not a secret anymore, no longer a monster growing inside your heart.”
Overall, I've enjoyed reading Songs To Get Over You. It is a story of persistence and determination. A story that tells us when to hold on and also, when it is time to let go.